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The Derby Yaadaañ Archive Exhibition

Museum of Making10 May 2024 - 15 September 2024

A new temporary exhibition telling the stories of South Asian communities in Derby between the 1950s-1980s.

This ambitious exhibition brings together historic family photographs, audio testimonies and contemporary portraiture to document the experience of South Asians settling in the city between the 1950s and the 1980s. All of the histories have been donated by members of the community, sharing stories of celebration, adversity and community in this city we call home. The photographs and recordings shown at this exhibition are just some of those that we have collected with the help of community members, with visitors to the exhibition being encouraged to share their own stories and experiences.

The content on display, alongside the stories still being collected, will form a digital archive that will be free to access locally, nationally and internationally in the years to come. Do you have a story to share from the 1950s -1980s that will help us grow the archive and create a fuller picture of Derby? Email info@derbymuseums.org to organise a chat.

The Derby Yaadaañ Archive is being delivered through a collaboration between Derby Museums and  Black Country Visual Arts (BCVA). We would like to thank all those who have so far supported and shared their histories with the archive.

Thank you to our project partners: the Indian Community Centre, Pakistan Community Centre, Derby Asian Strategic Partnership, The University of Derby, Local Studies and Family History Library, W.W.Winter photography studio and Kedleston Hall for their support.

Made possible thanks to the National Lottery Heritage Fund. 


Images: The Derby Yaadaañ Archive

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